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Thursday, 30 December 2010

Wednesday Yet Again

OK you probably know the routine by now. Onto the number 42 bus and an uneventful journey down to Corn Street and the Farmers Market and the pieman that has not been there lately. He was missing again this time but so was the whole of the farmers market. So I bravely went in search of a Pieminister PM pie within the hollowed halls of St Nichols Market. Seek and you will find. So I sought and I did find. Bought two PMs because I will not be able to make it next Wednesday for my day out. Also I found by diligently searching the Internet that PM pies can be frozen. So one was consumed for lunch and one went into the freezer for next Wednesday non day out.

On then to the Commercial Rooms to meet Pete and hopefully a festive pint. My hope was full and I was not disappointed this time; the festive ales were there. However, the service was not. Once again I had to wait for what I felt was an inordinate amount of time. One guy who came in after me got fed up and left. However, eventually I was served with a pint of Goodwill 5% (sorry this is the best web site I could find) kind of ironic I thought. Pete joined me at the bar and I scuttled off to find a table that was out of the draught caused by two sets of swing doors. Because there were not many customers and even fewer staff we decided to stay for one more pint. This time we had a Holdens Blaster 4.8%. Not, I thought, as nice as the Goodwill but as Pete pointed out the old palate needed to be cleansed. So we put the world to rights once again. This time it came down to the manufacturers of TV sets being a bit naughty in the way they measure the screen size. Which should be from corner to corner and they do. However, the actual depth of the screen can vary enormously. Try it measure a TV set that is say about 3-4 years old and then measure one that has been manufactured more recently. First from corner to corner and then from top to bottom. You will be shocked. You will be stunned. You will be annoyed if you have bought one recently. Rant over we went to the Seven Stars. However, for some reason it was really packed out. Must have been some sort of Camra convention or some such. So we forsook the Seven Stars and crossed the road to the Cornubia. Whose range of festive real ales were better than Wetherspoons. Started off with a Santa's Beerd 3.7% from Northumberland Brewery. A very nice beer made even nicer by the discount offered to card carrying members of Camra (that's me by the way). By now I was beginning to forget what we talked about. But it must have been very important and profound. I could feel my good looks and intelligence increasing by the minute. We finished off with a pint of Jingle Balls 4.2%. Halfway through this pint the landlady called last orders. We didn't rise to the challenge and finished our pints in a sedate way. On the way out we had a nice chat with the landlady about her terrapins and the new fish tank she had put in. Then it was time for home.

Once again I missed the number 42 and had to get the number 43. The usual journey and nap followed and I got off at Kingswood shopping precinct. Walking down the road the number 42 passed me. Oh well! The walk I have no doubt done me the power of good.

Curry night tonight. Watch this space. Maybe a curry is not what I will have. Though I feel that Wetherspoons as losing it. There are other pubs and curry houses that are just waiting to fill any gap left in the market.

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