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Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Wednesday Non Beer Day and Three Old Gits in New Zealand

So because my pub strolling buddy is in New Zealand and no other volunteer, of the blond female kind has come forward, today will sadly, be a non beer day. However, I have just tried a very small sample of the Timothy Taylor Best Bitter (the one that caused all the trouble on Saturday night last). I am very happy to report that it has settled down and is indeed very drinkable.

Also no word from New Zealand. It is a far and exotic land and three old git innocents on the loose could get up to and attract all kinds of trouble. So anything could have happened . It could well be that they have indeed been captured by old git slave traders. That is slave traders that deal in old gits and not slave traders that are old gits. Though I suppose They could be both old git slave traders and slave traders in old gits. So if they have been abducted who would they be sold to. Manual work would probably be out of the question what with Jim's back, Richard's knees and Pete's laid backness not much actual work would get done. They would have to be employed in a more intellectual capacity. Jim could design kitchens and interior decoration. Richard could invent things that are really useful like a self watering flower pot. And Pete could organise roofing and scaffolding contractors.

My guess is that all three of them together would drive any would be slave owner to complete and utter distraction. They would then happily pay the said three gits to run away. But of course that all takes time. So until someone in the UK actually hears from them the slavery excuse seems to be the only logical explanation for the lack of communication to date even after applying the principles of Occum's Razor.  Keep watching this space and the posting on the Three Old Gits Loose In New Zealand blog.

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