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Thursday, 7 October 2010

Wednesday - Beer Never Sleeps

Grabbed a bus down to St Nichols market Bristol. Strangely the bus was on time. This is getting to be spooky. This bus, the 11.08 from Kingswood to Bristol has been on time for at least the last 6 weeks. Although welcome it is slightly unnerving. However, trawled the market and purchased Pieminister PM pie and some faggots. The pie will be wolfed down Friday lunchtime and the faggots will be treated thus:

Take off outer covering and break up faggots and place in a casserole dish. Mix in some onion gravy. Spread a layer of mashed potatoes on top and bake in the oven at 160C or until the top is golden brown and the edges crispy. Serve with home made mushy peas, eat and enjoy. Yummy. I am looking forward to those. But I digress. Back to Wednesday.

Met Pete in the Commercial Rooms and drank a pint of Adnams Broadside 4.7%. Pete and I, ever mindful of spreading our wings (so to speak) caught another bus to Westbury-On-Trym. We revisited The Post Office Tavern (The POT @ WOT) and had a pint of Doombar 4%. It was a little bit on the cold side for my taste but quaffable none-the-less. There were a few more people in the pub than when we visited about a year ago. We talked politics with a very nice man but decided to move on to the White Horse. We asked for a pint of Butcombe but got a pint of Bass 4.4% instead. We didn't bother to make a fuss as the Bass was delicious. This pub, serving mainly cider and lager, was quite lively and a debate concerning the payment of overtime and why no one should work extra hours for standard pay or in some cases no pay was hotly contested. Pete and I did not take part but were quite amused with the strong feelings concerning this topic. Onward then to The Mouse. Here we had a pint of Caledonian Mellow Yellow 4.4%. An enjoyable and very drinkable beer. I enjoyed this pub because the landlady overheard us talking, about real ale, and gave us a rather nice colourful leaflet which detailed the different Caledonian beers that The Mouse would be selling and the dates that they would be available. We will probably return at some pint in the future (pun intended) and try the different beers.

And so clutching my pie and faggots Pete and I bid farewell to the Mouse and Westbury-On-Trym and headed home. On entering the centre of Bristol I frustratingly saw my bus pull away and head for Kingswood. This meant that I had to wait about 20 minutes for another. This is doubly frustrating because that bus takes nearly an hour instead of about 35 minutes to reach Kingswood. At least this bus also picks up pretty young ladies as they finish shopping or working. At least I had something nice to look at as the bus stuttered and stopped from traffic jam to bus stop. Oh well. Next time I will just have to make sure that I catch an earlier bus or maybe I will just put up with it and enjoy the sights.

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