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Thursday, 23 September 2010

Another Wednesday Day Out

After catching the bus to Broadmead I started to look for some blank printable DVDs. I was counting on Currys stocking them but Currys was not there. In its place was some sort of clothes shop. No matter, surely WH Smith would have them. They did but at twice the price I was expecting. Carried on looking but all in vain. So I carried on to the Farmers Market and bought my usual Pie Minister pie and carried on the the the Commercial Rooms where I met Pete and had a pint of Norman Conquest MM 5%. A dark beer very close to a porter, in my opinion but quaffable none the less. Always on the look out for new stamping grounds we ventured to the top of Whiteladies Road very close to the Downs. Wandered into the first pub we came across (or so we thought) the Kings Arms. Their board outside said real ale but on entering we saw three people tapping eager away at their laptops. Asked if they had any real ale as the small bar downstairs was only displaying the usual 'orrible stuff such as lager and smooth beer. The nice young barmaid said they had Otter or Bob. Ordered Bob and paid. The pretty barmaid said she would have to go upstairs to pour the beer and that she would bring it down to us. OK. No problem. However, 15 minutes later she returned to say she was having trouble with the barrel but would we prefer Otter instead. No said I and asked for my money back (£6). There was no problem there and I got a refund and an apology. The Kings Arms is not what I would call a pub. We won't be going there again I shouldn't think. So with 20 minutes taken out of our day out we persevered and quickly found the Port of Call. Now this is what I call a proper pub. Nice interesting decor and plenty of pictures etc on the wall. A good pub. Had a pint of Osprey 5%. Lovely beer obviously well kept and looked after but at £3.60 a pint a bit on the pricey side. However they did have another real ale at £2.50 a pint but we didn't notice that until after the Osprey was poured. We will probably have a return visit sometime. Onwards then to the Beaufort Arms. A very friendly pub, a cider house really but the London Pride 4.7% was very nice. A fairly basic pub mainly for locals who can be quite vocal but are really friendly. Not a place to take young children though because of the language. After a fond farewell from the locals we headed to the Jersey Lilly. The board outside boasted 6 real ales. However, going inside the only beers out of the six pumps, that didn't sport a notice saying 'sorry this beer is settling' was Abbot or Butcombe. We had a pint of Abbot 5%. Very enjoyable and once again was obviously being well looked after. Also had a portion of Goldilocks (not too big not too small) chips between the two of us. Lovely chips and at £1.80 not too much over priced.

Brew day tomorrow. Put on 23 litres of water onto boil. It is now cooling in the boiler and I will transfer it to a plastic bucket later this afternoon. Had a slight hiccup with the Thrifty Shopper. I ordered 2kg of light spray malt but they only sent me 1kg in two 500 gram bags. To be fair their web site did state that the malt I wanted was out of stock but they didn't answer my emails which was slightly annoying. However, I did get a phone call from them yesterday promising that the missing malt would be with me today. So far it hasn't turned up. I think they are trying really hard to satisfy all their customers but it could be that they have been overwhelmed with orders. I changed the beer I was going to brew to one that I have the ingredients for. Just in case the dry malt does not turn up in time. To catch up with my full quota I will have to have another brew day next Friday 1 Oct 10.

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