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Thursday, 26 August 2010

Brew Day Minus 1 (B-Day -1)

Doubled checked all my ingredients and found no problems. I have just put 20 litres of liquor (tap water) in the boiler. I expect to get about 15-17 litres out of this due to steam and evaporation. There is not much else that I can do at this stage except to keep checking the boiler to make sure that there are no over spills as the liquor begins to boil. A rigorous boil of about 15 minutes will be enough to kill off any naughty bugs, wild yeast and to drive off the chlorine

Is it really Thursday again so soon? Ah! Time once again to visit Weatherspoons in Staple Hill this evening. They say that as you get older time seems to pass much more quickly. Well I can attest to that, it is true. According to Albert Einstein time is subjective and passes at different rates according to the speed at which you are travelling relative to an observer and could, at least in theory, pass at different rates for different individuals. So perhaps I am actually travelling in time at a faster rate than others. Maybe I am a time traveller or perhaps horror of all horrors I am being abducted by aliens. Now theres a thought! Or is that lack of clear, logical and reasoned thinking? You dear reader can decide for yourself. If you have any thoughts on this please leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Stephen Hawking proved that time travel is possible, but only into the future, not the past.


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